Habitat of York County believes that every veteran deserves a decent place to live.
We are proud to offer homeownership and Critical Home Repair services to those who have served (or are currently serving) in the military.
Habitat of York County believes that every veteran deserves a decent place to live.
We are proud to offer homeownership and Critical Home Repair services to those who have served (or are currently serving) in the military.
Applicants, or those referred to Habitat of York County, do not need to have been deployed during their service. This offer applies to active duty, Reserves, National Guard or Active Guard Reserve.
Habitat of York County has special funding set aside specifically to repair the homes of veterans in the community. Qualified veteran homeowners may be fast-tracked through the application process.
Habitat of York County’s Critical Home Repair program addresses critical needs such as sagging floors, plumbing, electrical, HVAC, roofing, termite infestation and damage, and more.
If you are a homeowner who has previously served (or are currently serving) in the U.S. Armed Forces and your home is in need of major repairs, please call Habitat of York County’s Critical Home Repair Hotline at 803-328-1728 x3 or services@yorkcountyhabitat.org.
Habitat of York County builds and sells homes with an affordable mortgage to those who qualify. If you are or know of, a veteran looking to own a home and currently have a need for housing (cannot currently own a home), please contact us.
If you know a veteran who may qualify for our Homeownership or Home Repair Program, contact Habitat of York County at 803-328-1728 x3 or services@yorkcountyhabitat.org.